Supercharge Your Development

Efficient development with prebuilt components

Enhance your web and mobile app development using a versatile set of open-source components, designed with Tailwind CSS, XML.

Sundar ui for different technologies




React js




What is SundarUI?

Sundar UI is a library of prebuilt user interface (UI) components that can be easily integrated into your web projects. The library provides a variety of components that are designed to be visually appealing and functional, including buttons, forms, modals, and more.

Is it paid or completely free and Open-Source?

SundarUI doesn't charge any money for any of the components. It is completely free and Open-Source.

Benifits of SundarUI

Sundar UI provides a variety of components like Buttons, Forms, Modals, Alerts, Icons etc.

How can I do my valuable contribution on SundarUI

Newbe contributors are always welcome to contribute on SundarUI. If you want to do your contributions on it, you can do it by the help of reading contribution guidelines.

Is SundarUI have begginer friendly issues?

Yes, It contains absolute begginer friendly issues.

What are the recommended skills to contribute on SundarUI?

React.js, Css3, Tailwind CSS, XML & XSL. But if you don't know these skills, so still you can contribute on it's files.